THORN Crawl Released!

THORN Crawl has arrived! These are the supplementary hexcrawl rules for THORN. Alongside these rules comes the Obron Almanac, which contains the world map of Obron and the region hexmaps that make up the world. The Almanac is going to be updated over time, with new regions being added in batches when they are completed.

Everyone that owns THORN gets the Crawl rules and the Almanac! This game is just going to keep getting bigger and better as I continue developing it.

If you want to help with that development, there are a couple things you can do! Consider supporting me on Patreon, as patrons will get early access to the Obron Almanac regions before they get added here. 

You can also tell people about this game! Share it with friends, post about it, all that good stuff.

And, of course, leave a nice comment and 5 star rating on the game's page here. That sort of mental encouragement works wonders for me!

Thank you all for your continued support of THORN, I can't wait to show you more!


THORN Crawl Rules 2.6 MB
50 days ago
Obron Almanac 3.1 MB
50 days ago


Buy Now$10.00 USD or more

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