A downloadable modular TTRPG

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This is THORN Seedling Edition.

Like a seedling, this is just the beginning of something much bigger. THORN will grow over time, as new rules and ideas are created and released as optional modules. Eventually, THORN will be fully grown, creating the full game. For now, we start small.

Everyone has a fantasy game in them. I’ve been chasing that one for a long time, and it has brought me here. THORN is what I want out of a fantasy TTRPG. It’s diceless, doesn’t use health for enemies, treats combat more like a puzzle, and emphasizes exploration just as much as fighting. Welcome to LUMEN 2.0, fantasy style.


THORN Seedling Edition is being released in small bits and pieces. The core rules are here for you to try out, with more on the way. As I create more rules modules, they'll be added to this page. 

The point of modular design is multifold. It frees me from trying to create the whole dang game in one shot. It allows me to play with possible subsystems, releasing them as modules and then seeing how they feel. It allows you to plug in the modules that are most exciting to you, and ignore those you don't vibe with.

Of course, one day I'd like to sew together the modules and new ideas into a singular game, THORN. But that's a way off.


Given its very incomplete nature, THORN Seedling Edition is pay what you want. If you do decide to pay for it, I of course appreciate it. Whether you pay or not, the modules will be here for you when I release them.

The final version of the game will be a separate release. Maybe in 2025? Who knows. Definitely not me!


As I release the rules and modules, I'll try to do a short stream and recording breaking down how it works. For modules in particular, I'll talk about how they do or do not line up nicely with any other previously released rules. 

Check out the video for the core rules below!


THORN Seedling Edition is very incomplete, but I'm really excited about it. I appreciate everyone who has supported me over the years in my game design journey. I've learned a lot along the way, and hopefully this game reflects that.

If you want to join the discussion about the game, there are the comments below, or you can join the Gila RPGs discord server. We'd be happy to have you.

Oh and if you dig this whole thing, click that rating button in the top right corner and give it 5-stars. The Thorns need celestial guidance, and you can provide it.

Published 24 days ago
StatusIn development
CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(5 total ratings)
AuthorGila RPGs
GenreRole Playing
Tagsdiceless, Fantasy, lumen, Modular, Tabletop, tabletop-role-playing-game, Tabletop role-playing game


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

THORN Seedling Core Rules 4.9 MB


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Obron again. Is it the same universe as Rune and Reap ? Wait isn't Obron also the name of the planet from Nova ?

Do you really like that name or are you hiding something ?

Anyway the evolution of Lumen 2.0 towards diceless system continue to fascinate me. I really like what I see here, can't wait for more.


Hiding something in plain sight 😬

Thanks for the words of support!